How to Integrate AI and Machine Learning into Your Web Apps

AI & Machin learning The integration of AI and ML into web applications has become necessary for developers who wish to go the extra mile in making their applications better, quicker, and more responsive. Thanks to development in technology, the incorporation of such tools into web apps is not exclusive to large tech-savvy firms. By now, all sizes of businesses have realized the need to integrate Innovation, AI, and ML to remain relevant in any market. Presented below is a simple and concise way in which you can incorporate AI and ML into your web apps easily. Understand the Basics of AI and Machine Learning In the context of integration, one needs to know what AI and ML have to offer in the first place. AI concerns itself with the capability of machines to perform tasks that are considered intelligent In its broader sense, AI contains ML as a subset with the latter referring to the process of feeding algorithms with data and then letting the algorithms develop the ability to ...